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Confidentiality - Every client and every mental health provider should understand the importance of confidentiality. Issues and information discussed in sessions are completely confidential, with very few exceptions.  The patient (or parent/guardian) will receive a written copy of this office’s confidential disclosure agreement, and you can expect that what you discuss in session in general will not be shared with anyone.
The exceptions to this according to state law and professional ethics are as follows:

  • As a psychiatrist and physician, Dr. Bauman is considered a mandated reporter if there are issues involving child or elder abuse.

  • If Dr. Bauman believes someone is in immediate danger of taking their own life or harming themselves, addressing this situation takes precedence over confidentiality.
  • If a patient threatens to harm or kill someone else, Dr. Bauman has a legal duty to warn that person and/or inform legal authorities (mandated duty to warn, Tarasoff ruling).



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